Cat Life tip #4 - (Graphic) Pics or it didn't happen

This is a pregnant cat in a box. A box I made. That's my hand showing off the box. Note how I am doing something, while Winnie is not. Placenta rejection This is me working hard. In the background you can see Winnie casually giving birth. Winnie is asleep on the job again... In terms of life decisions, while at the time I regretted it, the kittens and I agree that shaving Winnie was a solid choice. I really feel that to do this picture justice, I need to make a "shaved cat" (alternative word for cat) joke here, but I can't. This is a family blog. My mom reads this and I learned a long time ago to never write anything you don't want your mother to read, so you'll have to call me if you want the joke. Love you mom! This is definitely going on her annual review. Appreciate the effort... FUR PILE! Seems to be a family trait...